My granddaughter, Hallie, has been dying to see the turtle that lives in the canal near my home, but as soon as she takes a step towards the canal, he vanishes under the water. Aiden was actually with me when I took this picture, but I am not sure if he actually saw the turtle or not. I didn't dare say anything and being only 2, Aiden couldn't tell me afterwards if he had seen the turtle or not.
I have discovered that now there is actually a whole family of turtles living there. On a sunny afternoon, they will all be out sunning themselves, but as soon as they hear your footstep, they vanish all together. It is amazing how synchronized they are. I was able to take this picture by parking my bike further down the road and then tiptoeing back. I got one picture. Then I took one step to see if I could get closer and they were gone.