Saturday, February 27, 2010

The County Fair

      Saturday night I was sitting in the bleachers at the St. Lucie County fairgrounds, bundled up with winter hat, winter coat with hood pulled up over the hat, and gloves, drinking hot chocolate. Who would have thought I could be so cold in Florida?  Now the people  in the Northeast will think we don't have much to complain about. The temperature is above freezing and there is no snow.  However, it is 20' below Florida's normal temperature for this time of year and this is fair week!
      Truth be known, we had gone to the fair that afternoon not dressed warmly enough and had gone home to dry out our rain soaked clothes and get a warmer coat.  We got our hand stamped so we ould return without paying again. Actually, it was not our hand.  They put the stamp on the inside of our wrist because it was raining so hard, they were worried it would wash off.  I was wearing 2 sweat shirts and my blanket poncho and had a giant umbrella, but that wasn't enough to keep me warm and dry.
      So, I was back at the fair wearing my winter coat and waiting for Charlie Daniels to come out. John has always been a Charlie Daniels fan, so we were happy to read in the paper this week that we could see him at the county fair, for merely the price of admission to the fair. That would have been $10, but we found out we are old enough in Florida to be senior citizens, so we only paid $5 each.
      The concert started a half hour late and lasted just a little more than an hour, but was very nice. I only knew 2 of the songs. "Amazing Grace," and "The Devil Goes Down to Georgia," which was the last song. It was neat hearing more than half the audience singing all the words the way John does.

sing along breath clouds-
Florida county fair concert
this frigid winter

trying to stay warm-
we stamp our feet
to the music's beat


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