Unfortunately, nearly every day there are articles in the paper about how the city has no money. They just laid off policemen, so there is no way there will be money for a new park. I have an idea to try and raise money for a park and purchase a waterfront lot on the canal. John doesn't think I will be able to raise the money, but I think that a lot of people who do not have waterfront lots would be willing to contribute.
The lot that I have in mind is at the end of a street and adjacent to property owned by Martin County for access to the canal. I think it is a good location for a park. My proposal follows:
Proposed Park- Sunrise Park
786 SW Abode Ave. Port St. Lucie
(adjacent to the Martin County property at the end of Abode Ave.)
1. a picnic shelter with 4 picnic tables
2. a children’s play area with a fence to keep small children from wandering to the canal
4. a pier for fishing and where people could put a canoe or kayak in the water
5. parking for 4 cars
Raising Money for Sunrise Park
1. Ask for contributions from residents of the area
a. initial goal of 25 area residents contributing $1000 each or
250 residents contributing $100 each to purchase the lot
b. smaller contributions from area residents
2. Coin donation jars in area stores
3. Benefit concerts given by area musicians
I have sent a letter to the parks commissioner and I am starting to talk to area residents. I will need to set up a non-profit group- Friends of Sunrise Park. Wish me luck!
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