Saturday, October 9, 2010

John Michael Talbot Concert

                 When I read my e-mail last Wednesday, I saw that John Michael Talbot was in Florida.  Florida? I didn’t realize he was going to Florida!  So I went to his website and  looked at his schedule.  I used Google maps to calculate the distance from my home to each of John Michael’s appearances in Florida. The closest location was Orlando, more than 2 hours from me, but it was on day when my schedule was clear. I decided to go. I posted on Facebook that I was going.
                John Michael was speaking at a seminary.  I thought it might be interesting and a little different than a concert, which it was. The time of 1:00-3:00 was perfect for someone with a long drive.  When I got there I found out it was a Methodist seminary.  It put a different angle on John Michael’s talk- in recent years I had always heard him at Catholic churches.  It was interesting to hear him compare John Wesley to St. Francis. I learned a lot. I have always been interested in the ecumenical movement, but as a cradle Catholic, I do not know a lot about the Protestant churches.  John Michael sang songs calling on the Holy Spirit and I could feel the Spirit moving among us drawing us together.  His guitar sounded beautiful, as always.
                After the question and answer period, I went to buy something for John Michael to sign. Since I already have 16 of his CDs and 6 books, not to mention records and tapes from the time before CDs, it was hard finding something. I decided to get the book Simplicity, which is one of his older books that I did not have.
                The last time I saw John Michael, in September 2007, I had been very disappointed when he announced that because he wasn’t feeling well, he would not be available after the concert.  This time he was available and the line wasn’t even very long because some people had left for 2:30 classes.  So here was my big chance to talk to John Michael, and I couldn’t think of anything to say.  All I said was “Thank you,” as he signed my book.  As I drove away I thought that I should have told him how much his music means to me and that it is always refreshing to see him, no matter how many times, and how his music has influenced my guitar playing. Thank you very much John Michael!

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