Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All Saints Day

All Saints Day is always a holy day, but it was not a holy day of obligation this year. Our church was having an extra mass at 10 am, but the music director would not be playing since it was not a day of obligation. I offered to play and I am glad that I did. I thought the priest would say to just play a few songs, since the people wouldn't be expecting music, but instead he said to play all the mass parts too. After mass, a woman came up to me immediately and said, "Thank you for playing. It adds much."  It made me feel right at home- I had often heard the same words at my old church in Pennsylvania. As I packed up and was leaving, several more people and the priest thanked me for playing.  I had played several days a week in Pennsylvania, but mass was at 9 am and the church was 5 minutes from my home. It really would be pushing myself too much to play at their 8 am mass more than once a week when the church is 25 minutes away. However, they have a 9 am daily mass for the snowbirds beginning in December. I told them I will play for 9 am mass on some feast days. Now, if only it would lead to some paying jobs.

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